
Friday, April 6, 2018

We are home! Will still be on oral antibiotics for several more days but she is back home And she is resting well. 😊.

Thursday, April 5, 2018

Hi everyone!
  Not much has changed today Mamma's temp has stayed below 99.5 for over 24hrs now. Her wound is looking really good, her bloodwork  is looking good as well. They have said that if she behaves herself there is a big chance we will go home tomorrow.

Wednesday, April 4, 2018

 Saw a new doctor today.
  He said that the wound is looking very good now, having no drainage on the dressing. Her blood work all looks good, and blood pressure is back up to normal. Her temp has stayed under 99 all day but just a few min ago it was at 99.4 which is still under 100! So we are really praying that it will stay down from this point on. She is having some pain today but is manageable. Also she is off of the IV antibiotics! They are trying to use oral antibiotics now and see if we can hopefully go home in a day or two. 😊

Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Hey there friends!
  Mamma had a pretty long night last night because of some pain and muscle spasms. The nurses here are wonderful ladies that reacted quickly and work hard to relieve and relax her as fast as possible. The pain is more manageable now than this morning.
   Her blood work was very good news this morning as her numbers were good ended that she didn't need any transfusions or extra meds through IV other than the antibiotics.  Her temp has been great today staying under or close to 100. 😊🎊🎉

Monday, April 2, 2018

Good evening y'all!
 Today has been a pretty good one.
 Mamma's temp spiked one time around midnight last night, but came down quickly and stayed  normal (even got down to 97.8 😎) until about 6pm then it started to climb just a bit (to about 100, but came back down quickly).
 She has felt really good today eaten very well. She hasn't had any pain meds in two days! Her blood work today was better,  but she did need another bag of platelets today but tolerated it very well.
Thank you so much for your prayers, and keep em coming! Because we are seeing results. GOD IS SO GOOD!

Sunday, April 1, 2018

Hello Friends! Sorry this is late again. 

 Mamma has been a lot stronger and had more energy today than yesterday. Her appetite has also been much improved. 
She did end up having to take more potassium and they had to give her platelets, but she tolerated that very well.  They have her doing some deep breathing exercises to keep her lung functions strong. She has been getting up and walking around the room some and has had not had to ask for any pain or nausea medicines all day. 
Her temp has stayed under 100.4 all day and is currently sitting at 99.2 for the last few hours. She is reclining back and resting nicely at the moment. 
So I will say that today has been a very good day.