
Saturday, March 31, 2018

Sat. 3/31/18

Good evening everyone. Sorry I am so late in posting today, but it has been really busy all day long. 
  Mamma did very well yesterday and last night. Her temp did spike to 102 and they took some blood cultures in hopes of getting more answers as to what is still causing this problem.  Around 6 am the nurses came in and said that mammas blood work was not very good. So, they pulled a few tubes to do a few extra tests with.  Turns out that her red blood and platelet counts had dropped to very low, her potassium and magnesium had also dropped So they gave 1 unit of blood to see if we can bring it back up. Also her potassium and her magnesium is still low so they are doing extra of each of those.
Today hasn’t been an easy day because she has been very weak and tired, but except for that one time her temp has stayed to the low side of 100 and a few times today it has even hit 98.4 for a little while. She has struggled with pretty low Blood pressure all day, so we are hoping to see it come back up soon.

Friday, March 30, 2018

 We saw the doctor today. He's concerned about her temp still spiking during The night and that She now has a slight rash on her stomach. So he is thinking about maybe changing some antibiotics incase she might have an allergy.
    He is pleased because her pain levels are much improved. And we have a huge praise! She has been able to move her left arm very little but doing so with out any pain, and she is relaxed enough that she can comfortably lay back against the bed if it is set up (still can't lay flat but reclining) with my head on the pillow. She has not been able to do that in quite some time so that is a definite improvement. So hopefully the Neurontin is helping to calm the aggravation on the nerves in her arm and shoulder. 
So this morning has been very good! She is still tiring quickly due to still having the fever spikes. And just plain being tired. But that is improving because she is actually RESTING when she sleeps. Keep the prayers coming! They are working. 😊

Thursday, March 29, 2018

Hey everyone!
 Sorry I’m so late in getting on here. I am probably going to keep the posts down to once a day. Unless something major changes. 🙂
  One of Mamma’s friends came and let me go home last night. But they said she did really well through the night. When I came in this morning Mamma was sitting up and eating breakfast (she managed to get more than half of it down). Her temp was 100.4 this morning and has pretty much held there. This evening it has gone up to 100.8 but they are still seeing this as good because we are still under the 101 mark. They have done Tylenol for it so we’ll see how it does through the night. If it continues to stay level and go on down they may switch to oral antibiotics and look into going home. But how she is in the morning will determine that. 

 She has been able to recline back a bit today which is something that she hasn’t done in several weeks. Also got up and walked around the room a bit and stretched her legs some. So all in all it has been a very good day. 😊

Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Hello everyone!

This is Amanda. I am reopening this blog to use as an update page for Mamma. I apologize in advance for grammar errors and typos that will be in these updates LOL! Grammar was never a very strong subject for me. Also, I apologize that my posts will not be as well written as the ones that my mother writes. she is way better at things like this than I am. :) However, I will do my best. 

Mamma was diagnosed with stage 3C breast cancer in September of 2015. She has since had several surgeries and gone through four separate chemo types. We found out in December of 2017 that the tumor had returned a third time, and it is inoperable because of being about 7cm and in heavily vascular area, around a nerve bundle. She has been on an oral chemo to try and kill or at least slow down the growth of the tumor.
  On March 13th, she had a PET scan and found out the tumor has grown to just over 9cm. Since the oral chemo isn’t working, her doctor had planned on starting a new round of Chemo infusion on the 19th, but they noticed that she has an infection under her arm and began a 7 day round of IV antibiotics instead. 
  Now, fast forward to March 27th. Mamma has completed the antibiotics and was pretty badly dehydrated. Home health came out that afternoon and did a bag of fluid through IV. Mamma began to show signs of feeling better and perked up a bit.
That evening around 10 p.m. Ferrell called and asked me to come over because she had gotten sick and was not getting any better. When I got there we checked her temp and it was high so we came on into the Baptist Memorial Hospital ER in Columbus. They diagnosed her with cellulitis and she had become septic from the infection. They admitted her around 2 a.m. Tuesday morning and have continued to give several IV antibiotics. There seems to have been good response so far as her fever is sitting around 100.8 now so it is slowly coming down from the 102 she was at when we got here. 
Well.... They just came in and checked her temp which is now at 101.4 so more tylenol and hope it will come down again soon. 

March 28th.
  We are still at the hospital receiving IV antibiotics. Last night things got kinda rough, her temp went back up pretty high and she had a great deal of nausea. The nurses here are wonderful and they were able to get things back under control fairly quickly.  This morning things are starting to look better. she was able to eat some breakfast and had sat up for a while and was more alert. She does tire out very quickly though.  
 Spoke with the doctor a few minutes ago and he said that if we can go without anymore fever spikes tonight that he will back off on the antibiotics through tomorrow. After that, if all is going well with no more fever then we can talk about going home. 
In the meantime her appetite has returned! 👏🏻 she ate a really good light lunch and ate most of her supper as well.

 One of Mamma's friends is coming out to stay the night with her so i can go home and see my children and gather a few things. I will be back tomorrow and hope to have good news to update with then.